Habits by Morgan Nicole Green
The Pit by Chris Blexrud
Demo by Amanda Hartzell
The Alchemy of His Own Mirror by Vincent Anioke
It took our second encounter for me to guess, and the third to be sure, but his hair was alive. It breathed its own breath, as sentient beings do, and revealed its fearlessness in the wild swings it took, the delicately combed dreadlocks, the coiffed and oily Afro, the knotted braids that cascaded past his neck like a waterfall, stopping just short of the tip of his spine, from which wings would sprout if man could fly.
Further Maths by Toby Lloyd
There were ten of us in Further Maths and I was third best. Or, in Mr. Damien’s words, eighth worst. Number two was Hideo. He sat to my right and had the ridiculous habit of groaning as he wrote successive lines of an equation, like you could actually hear his mind whir. Hideo was quickest at mental arithmetic and had the best record in spot tests, even beating Mildon. But we weren’t taking our A Levels seriously.